Heart Bypass Surgery: Everything You Need to Know


Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

Heart Bypass Surgery is a procedure to improve heart function and reduce the risk of dying from heart disease.

Heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most common heart surgery performed on adults, especially older adults. Your doctor may recommend coronary bypass surgery when one or more blood vessels that transport blood to the heart muscles are blocked partially.

Heart bypass surgery is a safe and effective procedure to help reduce the risk of heart attack and ease symptoms like chest pain.

On average, people around 65 years or older (more in men) will need a heart bypass surgery.

Why Do You Need Heart Bypass Surgery?

Your heart works 24/7, supplying blood to your entire body through arteries (blood vessels). Blockage or narrowing of these arteries limits blood flow to the body; a condition called coronary artery disease.

Heart Bypass Surgery or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is used to treat coronary artery disease (narrowing of blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle). This narrowing is due to the build-up of fatty material in the walls of the arteries causing blockages and limiting the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

Most people have impressive results and can live symptom-free for a decade with a healthy diet, exercise, and medications.

When Will Your Doctor Suggest Heart Bypass Surgery?

Heart bypass surgery, CABG, is the most common treatment for blocked heart arteries. Your doctor may recommend a bypass if-

• You Have Sudden And Severe Chest Pain

• You Have More Than One Blocked Artery

• Your Left Coronary Artery (Main Artery) Is Severely Narrowed or Blocked

• Your Blocked Artery Cannot Be Treated with Medications or Other Procedures 

• You Have New Blockages

Heart bypass surgery is also performed in emergency cases of a severe heart attack when the patient is not responding to other treatments.

What are the risks associated with heart bypass surgery?

Risks of heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) include:

• Bleeding (during or after surgery)

• Blood clots causing a heart attack, stroke, or lung problems

• Infection at the surgery site

• Pneumonia (infection in the lungs)

• Breathing problems

• Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

• Kidney failure

• Irregular heart rhythms

• Failure of the graft

Your doctor will discuss the risks and any other concerns before the procedure.

A Day Before Your Surgery

Your doctor will conduct several tests like ECG, stress test, X-ray, and blood tests to see your heart condition and if it is safe for you to have the surgery or not.

Things to follow before heart bypass surgery-

• Hold back any medications containing aspirin three days before the surgery

• Stop smoking and drinking alcohol immediately

• Avoid eating or drinking on the night before surgery

• Follow any instructions provided by your doctor 

What to expect during heart bypass surgery?

CABG is a complex procedure that takes several hours to complete. 

After the surgery, you may need to remain in the hospital for about a week. 

While leaving the hospital, most people will need a cardiac rehabilitation program to recover and rebuild strength. It usually includes specific physiotherapy exercises, diet changes, and counseling.

You can return to normal activities after about six weeks, and most people fully recover within 12 weeks (about 3 months).
